So there’s something about magazines in our home. We haven’t been reading them. We want to read them, but just do not make the time. Then there’s not just one magazine to be read, but multiple issues, which become piles of issues, that have not been read. I actually gave away months of National Geographic because I was tired of having so many lie around unread.
So tonight it hit us. Let’s create a Magazine Day! We appointed Lorenzo the Magazine Czar, and then he decreed that our weekly Magazine Day would be on Wednesday and our article number would be two. This means each Wednesday we each have to read two articles of our choice and explain them to the other person. Sure that’s only four articles per week that we would learn about, but four is a world better than zero! I feel better already, like a nagging recurring item on my subconscious to-do list has suddenly fallen into place on my calendar.
Sometimes people have so many rules and expectations from others in their consciousness that they are too stressed. They long to do nothing at all, as an expression of their free will. Well even that can get old. Sometimes you need to invent new rules for yourself to help guide yourself into new discoveries and wellness. So here’s to your freedom and wellness, and here’s to our new Magazine Day! I’ll keep you posted!