What’s brown and white and full of love? Mitzi! We have been complimentary-boarding Mitzi (also called Sandy) now since Sunday. She is a foster dog with a local animal rescue, in need of a forever-home. She is only three years old, cat-friendly, dog-friendly, and kid-friendly. She has a very mellow demeanor with people, super gentle with children, and loves belly rubs. She definitely is fun and playful with other playful dogs, in that respectful, play-bow kind of way.
She was given up by her family on Sunday, and like any loyal dog she still misses them, but is getting through her grief like a champ. This photo is not the best, but she seems to be camera shy when I try to snap a photo w/my iPhone. Anyway, she’s a real sweetheart and we will post more photos and stories about her soon. If you know anyone who might be interested in adopting her, please forward this blog entry to them. They can call me, Janet Wright, at 773-728-7884, or email us at JL@BarneysHomeDogBoarding.com for more information on her.