Teddy was the first dog that we boarded in our home that was not our own. We know his human mom and dad, and they chose us because we’d be home day and night, and would certainly give the love and attentive care he needed while one or both of them traveled.

When they got him as a puppy, they rescued him from a neglect situation. He was no longer malnourished, and eating and doing well, but they didn’t want to take any risks with his care. He was our house guest off and on during September and October of 2010. At that time we weren’t blogging or we would have surely taken a million photos and bragged about him back then.

Here is a belated tribute to our puppy nephew Teddy. He never met a toy he didn’t like, he has got a really big heart and is a good napper too.

These photos were taken by his human mommy Mandy who is also a professional photographer of animals & people, including weddings and artistic photos. For more info on her work see www.MandyLovesPhotography.com
Teddy opened our hearts to having guest dogs in our home. It’s worth the work, to know that a sensitive and wonderful spirit like Teddy is safe and happy while his parents travel. Thanks Teddy!
If you would like to learn more about our in-home dog boarding service see www.BarneysHomeDogBoarding.com