Detroit Fanfare 2013

Still covered in dust from the highway and with visions of roadkill still fresh in my memory here’s the scoop on my first trip to Detroit fanfare. I’d heard mixed reviews about this show but since such a great time was had at the Motor City show earlier this year I decided to give it a chance. It was held at the Adoba hotel in Dearborn  MI, which also had some mixed reviews online but I found it to be quite pleasant and the staff were very friendly. Plus they gave all guests & exhibitors 4 tickets for free drinks at the bar in the lobby 🙂

We were in kind of a dark corner as you can see.
We were in kind of a dark corner as you can see.
Chewy was pretty tall. The storm trooper is an average size dude.


And of course, Lord Vader.
And of course, Lord Vader.


Friday was only 3 hours which was kinda good cause it gave me time to drive there and setup the same day without wasting an extra night hotel stay. On the other hand it was really slow. There was a zombie walk right after the show closed but I have no photos of that because there are way too many things about zombies already.

Day 2 was a marathon 9 hours. I was fortunate to have the assistance of some friends & colleagues that I am currently working on a project with who promoted the project and helped work the table so I could take a break. I had several new pins & magnets that only did so so, but the one of a kind magnets made from comics were still the biggest sellers with people asking for more pins than magnets.

KITT did not drive itself as far as I could tell.
KITT did not drive itself as far as I could tell.
The Monkees were supposed to be broke right? So how come they had a house on the beach and drove this tricked out car?
The Monkees were supposed to be broke right? So how come they had a house on the beach and drove this tricked out car?


Sunday began with me stuffing myself with the breakfast buffet in the 2nd floor restaurant and having my most profitable day. Still didn’t sell as many books as I would have liked and nobody even sniffed my art prints but it was a good day. Some of my neighbors said it seemed attendance was down from last year and it was nowhere near the Motor City turnout which had the crowds of the wizard show without the overpriced table fee.

Tom Cruise- only about a foot taller.
Tom Cruise- only about a foot taller.
I see a bleak future for this couple.
I see a bleak future for this couple.

Would I do this show again? Eh, we’ll see. It did have some high points, and I got to meet some cool people and hang out with new acquaintances. A good way to end my first year on the comicon circuit.

One Reply to “Detroit Fanfare 2013”

  1. Cool stuff Lorenzo. You did so many comicons this year! Excited to see what next year brings for your work. Fortunately if people missed you at the con they can go buy your stuff at the etsy shop! 🙂

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