Phil is now a very famous Shih-Tzu, and hopefully his fame will bring him back home safe very soon. He was lost Thursday 6/23/11, and it is thought that he was stolen after just a minute or so loose on the street just north of the Diversey/Elston/Western intersection in Chicago. He is a 3 yr old rescue dog with tan, brown, and black coloring. His devoted parents, KJ and Deb, are conducting the most impressive lost dog search for him that I have ever seen. There is a Facebook group page they encourage you to join, called “Find Phillip,” (that’s Phillip w/2 L’s) and you can be a part of the search effort, and/or join in the prayer effort for his safe return. There is a black and white and also a color version of his poster you can print and post. It is a poster format that was recommended to them by a private investigator very experienced in lost dog cases. Also they are accepting fax numbers of anywhere you think might want a poster faxed to them. If you have information please email FindChicagoPhil@gmail.com

Just two days ago someone brought a stray shih-tzu to KJ and Deb, thinking perhaps that it was their lost dog Phil. It was not, and now they have temporarily named him Magoo and are fostering him. They need help finding his original owners. He is about 20 lbs and full of love and spunk, and still adjusting to this new situation. He loves adults, and is dominant in a humping way with their boxer, though that may be resolved or alleviated when he gets fixed. They may not have checked for a microchip yet on him, since no doubt they are spending every spare moment searching for their own baby. They have a diaper on him now as he tries to mark in the house. They do have three other dogs at home so perhaps Magoo is used to being the only king in the castle! Plus perhaps once he’s neutered…. They are guessing he’s four but do not know, and observe that his teeth are very clean and that he lacks basic leash skills. He needs someone to train him, and no doubt his healthy appetite can be used for positive reinforcement training. Crossroads Shih-Tzu Rescue will be vetting, fostering, and adopting him out, once his stray period is over next week. If you are interested in helping Magoo in any way, please contact the rescue. With the right environment and training, Magoo could make someone very happy.
So please consider sharing this blog post to help spread the word about both shih-tzu’s. Phil needs to be found and returned to his loving home, and “Magoo” (his new name) needs his original owner located, or a new foster home and/or owner needs to contact the rescue that will help him.