This was my first CAPS meeting I’d been to in at least 10 years if not longer, and the second CAPS meeting ever. It was more interesting than I remember, actually. It was pretty short, only 50 minutes long, and throughout the meeting they discussed specific addresses and what disturbances have been noted there, either by police or citizens. Many people came prepared with specific addresses and info, and the police were very informed and on the ball about it all. They said our CAPS meeting is generally the most attended in the whole city. Good for you Beat 17! Beat 17 is part of Albany Park and Irving Park neighborhoods.
Is it more disturbing to know literally what crime has occurred in your area recently, or not know at all? Honestly I am more disturbed now that I know, but I think after a good night’s rest the disturbing part will subside entirely. It was nice to be around so many citizens who care about keeping their streets safe. I think being more informed will encourage me to be more aware and I believe that those two things together will translate into increased safety. I love my Albany Park neighborhood, more than any other Chicago neighborhood I’ve lived in. I think it’s the tree lined streets and the variety of small homes and larger apartment buildings, and all the different front yards and porches each with their own unique character and personality. So my CAPS meeting was time well spent, and I will go again next month. Thanks to Martha Hack, our CAPS citizen rep who helped spread the word and let me know about the meeting. If you want to find out what Chicago police “beat” you live in, and when the CAPS meetings are for your “beat” then you can go to this link. Here’s another link with basic info about CAPS.
Janet, thank you so much for attending April’s Beat 1723 CAPS Meeting! We welcome you and look forward to seeing you & all our wonderful neighbors, landlord’s and business owners again next month! As you pointed out, the meeting was not long. We never go over 60 minutes. If people want to stick around after to talk further about issues, exchange numbers, and emails etc., that is always welcome!
Our goal in Beat 1723 is to get at least one or two people from every block to attend the meetings to let us know what is happening on their block and around their area! The reasoning behind this is that nobody knows a block better than the people that live there wheather they rent or own. If we had a rep or two from each block, we would have a pretty good idea about what is going on in the entire beat. We encourage everyone who has a stake in the area; owners, tenants, and business people to attend our meetings!
We welcome all new people to our area, & encourage them to join us is making our neighborhood cleaner, safer, and more attractive! Not only do we address crime and quality of life issues at our meeting; we also have speakers come out to talk about various subjects such as Green Corp and their various plant distribution days, CHA, Department of Buildings, 911 Center, etc. Sometimes have new businesses such as restaurants or developments that are looking to come into our neighborhood give presentations of their plans, etc. Next month we will also be talking about the 17th District’s annual Get Hooked on Fishing event that will be taking place in June at Little Gompers Park at Pulaski & Foster! This event is free for kids. Prizes are given out for the biggest fish & smallest fish, as well as luch and a raffle. Flyers will be passed out at the May 18th meeting.
While are biggest focus is the crime and citizen complaints, The CAPS Program is about so much more including getting to know your neighbors & sharing in the wonderful events & happenings our neighborhood has to offer! CAPS Beat 1723 welcomes you!