When I saw this cookie box and that it was only 99 cents I had to buy it, well, buy two. I ate one box as I drove home from the store. They really don’t taste that great, but the fact that I was eating tiny cookies shaped like ocean animals from a box with a string was really great for my inner child. I’d show you the ocean animal shapes in a photo here, but I’m saving the other box for when I spend time with my “Little Sister” from Big Brothers Big Sisters this Saturday. She’s 10 years old, and in some ways she’s 10 and in some ways she has been exposed to so many adult things in music videos and lyrics, etc. she’s partially all grown. Also she may not have ever seen the animal crackers cookies boxes that come in a little red box with a string handle, so she won’t get the reference. Will she love these cookies? We’ll see.

As a kid, a cookie just had to be a cookie for me to love it, except for those weird rum balls from the holidays. Now as an adult my husband and I both watch our carb intake and calories and sugar to some extent, so for me a cookie has to be worth it. Here is the cookie I’ve been nibbling as I type this. It’s a Trader Joe’s Chocolate Chunk cookie which comes in a simple white bag, found near the bread rather than the cookies in the store. Also their double chocolate chunk cookie is even better. Often now we try to go weeks without bringing any cookies at all into the house, which certainly makes it easier to behave. When we have cookies at home, like now, we pick a number of them in advance to put on our plate, and generally stick to it. I am hypoglycemic so my carb, sugar, and protein intake have to be appropriate. I had a big sandwich with lots of meat and only one piece of bread before writing this cookie post, to make sure my blood sugar would remain stable enough for me to enjoy my experiential writing exercise. So, it’s a little more complicated then when you are a kid and you think you could eat cookies all day. But with great power, comes great responsibility, right? Here’s to cookies.
My favorite cookies are homemade chocolate chip cookies! I always baked them with my Aunt Mary as a child! They remind me of the good old days of the 1970s and early 1980’s! A time before computers, cell phones, texting, FB, Twitter, blogs, etc. We baked for fun and, or course, because they just plain tasted sooo good! It was a time when cookies were a treat you ate and not also something you needed delete from your computer! LOL
🙂 Cute!