Last week’s Snowpocalypse Chicago snowfall is still everywhere on the ground and with this week’s upcoming low temps, it isn’t going anywhere. My absolute favorite snow photo was this one given to me by a reading client.

But really, since we’ve still got a while more with winter, I decided to stop fighting it, and stop complaining about it. Outwardly I do not complain much at all, but today I realized that inside I was really whining about the snow and cold, missing my green tree leaves, missing my summer clothing and warm breezes.
Many people are more disconnected from nature in winter, and this can lower immune systems, and increase stress. A connection with nature and the earth benefits each of us, like having strong roots making you feel more centered and peaceful. So is the answer moving to Hawaii? Well, not today at least. 🙂 One option is to recognize your inner emotional battle with this weather, and let go of it, make peace.
So for the rest of the winter I will make peace with it. I will ease myself out of an inner whining state, and let go of fighting it. After all, I choose to live in Chicago and this comes with the territory, as they say. This photo is me making peace with the snow and the cold. It was fun to make this today. I kind of felt like a kid again.