Today we had The Family Vet Visit: vet check ups for all of our animals – 3 cats and our new dog Odie. Uptown Animal Hospital & Dr. Dickes really came through for us. We got an extra big exam room, we got a vet assistant who was great with holding and comforting our animals during the exam procedures, and thorough and efficient desk staff. Our vet Dr. Dickes is very knowledgeable and we trust his expertise completely. He has a great bedside manner with our pets and us, and definitely allows time for our questions. He even took the time to recommend this website The Ohio State Indoor Cat Initiative as a resource for cat info.

I have always heard great things about the various other vets at the Uptown Animal Hospital and the overall pricing there, which is very important since if there’s ever an emergency and we need to see another vet in the office, I know I’ll be in good hands. You would think that with four pets we would have had to pay an arm and a leg to get them all check ups. We didn’t. For vaccinations and nail trims for all three cats (1yr rabies for 3, 3yr distemper for 2), an eye exam for one cat, an eye exam for our new dog Odie (who got cherry eye surgery last week) & a fecal test, we got out of there for under $400. (Odie already had his vaccinations.) I think Uptown Animal Hospital, relatively speaking, is great for affordable high quality vet care & I’ll definitely be “yelping” them today! 🙂