Most of you know that Lorenzo and I offer BarnneysHomeDogBoarding.com dog boarding in our home, providing night and day care and companionship to the dogs of only one owner at a time. Recently we met Murphy and his parents. Murphy is a 9 year old poodle/shih-tzu mix, and a compact bundle of cuddles, love, and a motorized wagging pompom tail. Murphy has three cat siblings at home and since we experienced love at first sight with Murphy, we agreed to Murphy’s mom’s request for cat sitting visits for their three cats. We are very experienced cat people due to our own cats as well as volunteer and foster experiences.

So now we offer the best for the dog-cat homes. The dog gets round the clock love in our home, and the cats get to stay in their own home and get love and care with cat sitting visits. This photo shows 12 year old Charlie, as we both enjoyed a cuddle this past Saturday in their home. His cat siblings are Linky and Shadow. Linky was the main ambassador giving us lots of cuddles and company, and Shadow who lends us her subtle companionship from afar.
Murphy is very good with other dogs, so we decided to see if he wanted to play with Teddy, another poodle mix and honored client of Barney’s Home Dog Boarding. We invited Teddy’s parents over for dinner, to see if both well-socialized dogs would enjoy a playdate. Of course we took all precautions and had them meet down the block outside, then when that went so well we had them play off-leash in our enclosed yard as we all supervised.
Murphy and Teddy acted like long lost twins, so we declared Poodlepalooza a success and went ahead and ordered dinner and made a night of it. In this video, the voices are mostly Teddy’s parents, as well as myself and Lorenzo. Before this video was taken the dogs had chased each other around in circles time and time again, and here in the video you see their play as they are a little winded but still enjoying their play, safe in our enclosed yard. Thanks also to Murphy’s parents, for allowing us to post this all-out festival of cuteness. Will there ever be another Poodlepalooza? Stay tuned to find out!
CUTE!!!!!!! I <3 Poodlepalooza!!!
Thanks Mandy for your comment! Comments always help with google search rankings. Yes this event was super cute. I’m so glad we had our iPhones and video taped it! Thanks for coming from Evanston and helping to make it happen, as Teddy’s mommy. Did you see this video is on our website now too? I hope to make many more videos to put up on http://www.BarneysHomeDogBoarding.com Our home dog boarding is full of insanely cute moments, and it’s only right that we start to share them with everyone in Chicago, Chicagoland, and beyond!!!! 🙂