This is an “11th hour” blog post, just squeaking in as a “Wednesday” blog post. Today was a series of unexpected bursts of creativity, leading me to half start about half a dozen projects. Hopefully tomorrow I will have the kind of creativity that helps me to finish those projects! Let’s just say I will have really big and good news for Friday’s blog post, God willing…..
I am now listening to a custom Jazz station I made on If you haven’t tried the website, I definitely recommend it. It’s free. There are occasional ads, but they are very rare. You could upgrade to a paid version with no ads that is inexpensive. But free is good. You can make and save a virtual station based on music similar to any artist at all. After such a creatively divergent day, the Charlie Parker station I have on Pandora is so perfect. It is cheerful, as if to say, “Good for you Janet for starting six things today! Why not!!!!”

I am listening to Pandora with my iPhone 4 right now. I showed my lounging cats to my friend the other day with the “Face Time” feature, since she also has an iPhone 4. That means you basically see live video during the call. She got to see how cute and relaxed my cats are when no “strangers” are around. This photo of our male cat YoYo is a good illustration of such a look.
OK so time to post. Big news Friday!